Don’t forget to play

Don’t forget to play

Play is universally agreed to be an essential part of development. Through play children explore and learn about the world and how it works. Play has been found to support development of skills in emotional regulation, problem solving, planning and sequencing, object...
Let me have a crack first!

Let me have a crack first!

Children learn best through repetition and opportunities where they can experience success.   In fact, scientists have discovered that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a connection in the brain.   However, Dr Karyn Purvis found, when done in a playful,...
Why can’t my child sit still?

Why can’t my child sit still?

How many times do parents and teachers tell a child to “sit properly and pay attention”? Almost everyday! Fidgeting, rocking back and forth, restlessness and slumping are commonly seen in the classroom. Consequently, children who can’t sit still are often deemed as...