Interactive Metronome (IM) Program
Interactive Metronome® (IM)
Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based assessment and therapy tool that focuses on improving timing and synchronicity of neural impulses within the brain that are responsible for cognition, communication, sensory and motor performance.
The individual taps a button (trigger) worn on their hand, to stay in time with a steady beat (54 beats per minute). Visual and auditory feedback is given throughout the exercise using millisecond timing. This will let the individual know whether they are tapping too fast, too slow or at the correct pace. Peer reviewed studies repeatedly confirm the importance of timing & rhythm for human performance.
IM research has shown improvements in;
- Attention
- Processing Speed
- Working Memory
- Executive Functions
- Self-Regulation
- Expressive & Receptive Language
- Reading Comprehension, Rate & Fluency
- Mathematics
- Upper Extremity Function (Parkinson’s,
- hemiplegia, CP, hand function)
- Motor Coordination
The IM website has many research articles supporting its use within a diverse population however, these are just a few relevant to the paediatric caseload that Family Connections primarily works with:
Effect of Interactive Metronome Training on Timing, Attention and Motor Function of Children With ADHD: Case Report | Namgung, Young, M.S., O.T., Son, Da-In, B.S., O.T., Kim, Kyeong-Mi, Ph.D., O.T.
Validity of Long Form Assessment in Interactive Metronome® As a Measure of Children’s Praxis | Kyeong-Mi Kim, Ph.D., O.T., Seo-Yoon Heo, M.P.H., O.T., Mi-Su Kim, D.S., O.T., Soo-Min Lee, D.S., O.T.
For more information regarding IM please look at the IM website:
For more information on how to access the program, you can contact Family Connections at 02 9543 6902 or email